Chapter 6 Workflows: Connecting the parts

Training a model is a multi-step process. It requires:

  • defining the model
  • training and validating the model
  • deploying the model

Figure 6.1 summarizes the modeling workflow and shows how the individual steps are implemented in the tidymodels framework.

Modeling workflow

Figure 6.1: Modeling workflow

The left column covers the model definition part. A complete model defintion requires:

  • Preprocessing (recipe package - see Chapter 7)
  • Model specification (parsnip package - see Chapters 8 and 10)
  • Postprocessing (probably - see Section 11.1.2)

The workflow package from tidymodels, allows to combine the first two steps into a single workflow object. The workflow object can then be used to train and validate the model. Only the preprocessing and model specification can be included in the workflow at the moment. While the postprocessing step should be part of the full model process, the workflow package doesn’t support it. For now, the postprocessing step has to be done separately. For example, we will see in Section 11.1.2 how the probably package can be used to define a threshold for binary classification models. In this class, we will only use postprocessing for classification models.

The workflow package is also able to orchestrate the model tuning and validation. It involves:

  • Model tuning (tune package - see Chapter 14)
  • Model validation (rsample, yardstick packages - see Chapter 12, 13)
  • Tune postprocessing (probably package - see Section 14)

The objective of model tuning is to find the best model parameters. This can include the model hyperparameters (e.g. the number of trees in a random forest) and the preprocessing parameters (e.g. the number of principal components in a PCA). The tune package allows to define potential values and combinations of these parameters. This combined with the validation strategy defined using the rsample package, allows tune to examine the performance of different models and select the “best” one. The performance is measured using the various metrics provided by the yardstick package.

At the end of the model training step, we end up with a final trained workflow for deployment. For now, this means

  • predict new data using the final model by:
    • preprocessing the new data using the (tuned) preprocessing steps
    • predicting with the (tuned) model
  • if applicable, postprocessing the predictions (e.g. applying a threshold for the predicted class probabilities)

6.1 Example

In the following chapters, we will discuss the individual parts and see how they fit together. Here, we use the Loan prediction dataset to illustrate the whole process.

Load the required packages:


Load and preprocess the data:

data <- read_csv("",
                 show_col_types=FALSE) %>% 
    drop_na() %>%
        Dependents=gsub("\\+", "", Dependents) %>% as.numeric(),
        Loan_Status=factor(Loan_Status, levels=c("N", "Y"), labels=c("No", "Yes"))
    ) %>% 

Split dataset into training and holdout data, prepare for cross-validation:

data_split <- initial_split(data, prop=0.8, strata=Loan_Status)
train_data <- training(data_split)
holdout_data <- testing(data_split)

resamples <- vfold_cv(train_data, v=10, strata=Loan_Status)
cv_metrics <- metric_set(roc_auc, accuracy)
cv_control <- control_resamples(save_pred=TRUE)

Define the recipe, the model specification (elasticnet logistic regression), and combine them into a workflow:

formula <- Loan_Status ~ Gender + Married + Dependents + Education + Self_Employed +
           ApplicantIncome + CoapplicantIncome + LoanAmount + Loan_Amount_Term + 
           Credit_History + Property_Area
recipe_spec <- recipe(formula, data=train_data) %>%
    step_dummy(all_nominal(), -all_outcomes())

model_spec <- logistic_reg(engine="glmnet", mode="classification", 
                           penalty=tune(), mixture=tune())

wf <- workflow() %>%
    add_model(model_spec) %>%

Tune the penalty and mixture hyperparameters using Bayesian hyperparameter optimization:

parameters <- extract_parameter_set_dials(wf)
tune_wf <- tune_bayes(wf, resamples=resamples, metrics=cv_metrics,
                      param_info=parameters, iter=25)
## ! No improvement for 10 iterations; returning current results.

The autoplot of the tune_bayes object (Figure 6.2) shows the ROC-AUC for different values of the penalty and mixture hyperparameters. We can see that the best roc_auc is obtained with penalty and mixture values inside the tuning range. We don’t need to adjust the sampling ranges for the hyperparameters.

Autoplot shows the ROC-AUC for different values of the penalty and mixture hyperparameters.

Figure 6.2: Autoplot shows the ROC-AUC for different values of the penalty and mixture hyperparameters.

Finalize the workflow:

best_parameter <- select_best(tune_wf, metric="roc_auc")
best_wf <- finalize_workflow(wf, best_parameter)

The best roc_auc is obtained with a penalty of best_parameter['penalty'] = 0.0216104 and a mixture of best_parameter['mixture'] = 0.0517287.

Use the tuned workflow for cross-validation and training the final model using the full dataset:

result_cv <-  fit_resamples(best_wf, resamples,
                            metrics=cv_metrics, control=cv_control)
fitted_model <- best_wf %>% fit(train_data)

Estimate model performance using the cross-validation results and the holdout data:

cv_results <- collect_metrics(result_cv) %>%
    select(.metric, mean) %>%
    rename(.estimate=mean) %>%
holdout_predictions <- augment(fitted_model, new_data=holdout_data)
holdout_results <-  bind_rows(
        c(roc_auc(holdout_predictions, Loan_Status, .pred_Yes, event_level="second")),
        c(accuracy(holdout_predictions, Loan_Status, .pred_class))
    ) %>%
    select(-.estimator) %>%

The performance metrics are summarized in the following table.

) %>% 
    pivot_wider(names_from=.metric, values_from=.estimate) %>%
    kableExtra::kbl(caption="Model performance metrics", digits=3) %>%
Table 6.1: Model performance metrics
result accuracy roc_auc
Cross-validation 0.802 0.754
Holdout 0.835 0.730

6.2 Models vs. workflows

It may initially be confusing to have a second way to build models. However, there is consistency between using both. As can be seen from the following table, the two approaches are similar and only differ in the way the models and the formula are specified.
Model Workflow
model <- linear_reg()
rec_definition <- recipe() %>%
wf <- workflow() %>%
    add_model(linear_reg()) %>%
result_cv <- model %>% 
    fit_resamples(formula, resamples)
result_cv <- wf %>% 
Model fit
fitted_model <- model %>%
    fit(formula, trainData)
fitted_model <- wf %>%
pred <- fitted_model %>%
pred <- fitted_model %>%
Augmenting a dataset
aug_data <- fitted_model %>%
aug_data <- fitted_model %>%

As we will see in Chapter 7 and 14, workflows are required to incorprate preprocessing into the model building process and to tune model parameters. It is therefore best, to use workflows and use simple models only when absolutely necessary.

Further information: